face covering in public which more deepened distance between Muslim and non-Muslim society in help Muslim women in their struggle, they will open the door for the integration of their Muslim society in Europe is large and at the moment the number of Muslims in Europe is around 23 million. Most Muslim women in Europe living in Germany, France and Britain. European Muslim women have an important role in cultural, professional and economical sphere. Muslim women are very influential in Europe and present in every sphere of life. They are often wrongly victimized and presented negatively which makes their life in Europe more complicated. European Muslim women have to deal with prejudice other people have about them as poorly educated and restricted. Despite of their everyday struggle with prejudice, these women are proud of living and belonging to Europe and also proud of being a Muslim.
European Muslim women are a new generation of Muslim women who are economically independent and career oriented, educated and ready to follow their dreams. Still it is very hard for them to face patriarchal traditions and also suspicious non-Muslim society in Europe. Most of them come from poor Muslim families who came to Europe looking for work and a better life for their families. They are ready to take charge of their life but still many of them keeping balance between new lifestyle and religion choosing to wear hijab. Hijab is often one more way they distance them self from non-Muslim society but also showing that they are free to make own choices.
Muslim women in Europe are facing two fronts and struggle on both. One if within their society where sometimes is hard to live as a career oriented woman and on the other side non-Muslim society where they are labeled because of their dressing code and religious belonging. Most governments in Europe started to realize that if they communities into mainstream society in Europe. That on the other side becomes problem for these women because the closer they are to European culture, further they move from their tradition.
Often Muslim women in Europe are discriminated because of the way they dress and that makes difficulties in getting a job. They face double tasks which require from them to be both, modern member of European society and to represent family honor and follow the Muslim street dressing code. There are also a number of women who refuse to have arranged marriage which is a tradition in Muslim society and they decide to marry a person they choose and not their parents.
Some young Muslim women whose mothers didn’t wear veil but they chose to cover themselves completely leaving only face, hands and feet visible. On the other side many young women shifting to a new way of dressing which is still modest but modern which provide more freedom to women and helps to be easily accepted in non-Muslim society.
France in 2010 voted to prohibitEurope and covering
of Muslim women in public became daily topic across Europe. Belgium in 2000 expressed that the veil should be banned and in 2010 that bill almost passed but it was halted to avoid crisis in government. Such politics spread similar views to Italy, Austria and Spain where authorities began plans of proposing similar bill.
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