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Are you a girl who has had an endless stream of potential husbands coming to see you or are you a guy who has
been to home after home looking for that girl of your dream but to no avail? Don’t stress because contrary to popular
belief, there is nothing wrong with you. Your name is written list for marriage and your happily ever after will come
when the time is right…..

Marriage is easier said then done the most difficult part would be deciding on which man/women is suitable
enough to be your spouse to accompany you on your journey through life.

It is an advaenture filled with obstacles and identifying what traits it is that you want in a spouse that will definitely
come in handy. He might be handsome, rich, have the perfect parents and even the perfect career, but there is more
then this that will secure a successful marriage and likewise, she may be the most beautiful girl with all the bells and
whistles but that doesn’t necessarily mean a marriage made in heaven.

Every person has an idea of his/her perfect soul mate to be, but somewhere along the line, we forget about the
finer detail such as, character, moral, ambitions, and even what type of father/mother and role model will he/she be to
his/her children.

Look for someone (in a permissible way) who will love and expect you just as you are and not for someone who
will try and change you to suit their fancies.

Don’t settle for anyone less then what you want because you are afraid of journey through life solo. Marriage is
about compromise because perfection doesn’t exist, however, the union created by Allah that binds these two soul is
perfect match of flaws complement each other perfectly.

We all crave it, but there shouldn’t be rush for it as we can search all over the world and it will only happen when
it is ordained for us. Ignore the prying eyes and pressure from everyone. Use your single status to find and complete
yourself as an individual before you meet someone who will complete you as a couple.

Make a singles to do list, find your passion and relish your independence for you are sure to miss it once you’re
married. Use this time to improve and strengthen your imaan, travel, learn self-love, spend time with relatives, fill your
dua’s (Prayers) with a partner wish list and live your life as there is nothing that you cannot do.

Each sisiter or brother handles their situation differently but don’t fret about it because it is out of your control.
It doesn’t mean that life as you know it will cease to exist after marriage, but a married person has priorities and his/her
perspectives change.

Being married brings on new responsibilities, chores and spending time with a new family. Often we hear
married people bemoaning and lamenting that they never have enough time. Work, house chores, partner, children , in
law and most definitely no ‘me’ time or even time out with the girls/ boys. This happens when you’re married.

Fantasizing about all things perfect that doesn’t exit only leads to disappointment for only Allah knows that
which we don’t. This is what we as Muslims should firmly believe in. Waiting for Mr or Miss.

Right doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you! Allah just wants you to wait for the right person and
the right time because marriage completes half of our imaan and it shouldn’t be fulfilled with the wrong person for the
wrong reason. Don’t ponder too much about it as Allah burdens you with only that which you can handle. After all, we
plan but it is the plan of Allah that will ultimately transpire.

On a lighter note for you…….

Every time I attended a wedding I always found myself cornered by one or two aunties of the family who
sheepishly told me, “You’re next! I was becomeing weary and some what annoyed by this and decided to put a stop to
this. The next time I met these aunties was at a funeral. All I said was, “You’re next!” From that day onwards I attended
every wedding without being reminded of my position in the marriage queue…

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