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Dates are so popular during this Holy period because they can be regarded as a complete food. They have a Holy connection as well, as they are thought to be the food that Muhammad ate when he first broke his fast. But dates themselves are looked upon as a healthy food, as well as having that connection.


With the period of Ramadan taking up all the daylight hours, many people develop a few health problems that can interrupt their day. These include light-headedness and headaches, lethargy and low blood sugar. All of these together can become rather a high risk to the body, so it is sensible to eat something before the fast begins each day that will attend to these problems, all of which may be caused by hunger.


Dates have just about everything that anyone could need in their diet during this time. They happen to be a good supply of fibre, sugar, the minerals magnesium and potassium, and also have carbohydrates to make you feel full longer because of the carbohydrates in them.


They have been proven to be far better for you than fatty or fried food, which will digest quickly, have little nutritional use and will leave you feeling hungry just a short time later. With this attribute dates will keep your blood sugar fairly steady, unlike those foods which will give you a quick spike, then leave you flat which can happen in a matter of hours.

The surprising thing about Ramadan is the food groups that are recommended for use during the period that Muslims can eat. Non-Muslims are surprised at the variety and recommendations that are available to choose from. These include quite large servings of food groups that may be a surprise. Even those who have health problems can probably survive Ramadan without too many problems.

Sunna, which was the practices of the Prophet Muhammad, refers to a plan for the diet of a Muslim during Ramadan. In this it is recommended to have the groups of : cereals, bread, pastas and rice as well as biscuits at least six times during the day, meat/beans and nuts two to three times per day, vegetable groups up to five times in the day and the fruit groups which may be two to four servings per day. Milk and milk products are encouraged. Others, in very moderate amounts consist of fats and sugars that have been refined.


The meats may include chicken, beef, lamb, goat and fish, beans, green peas and chick peas. These are all good sources of protein, necessary minerals and some of the vitamins, and the beans have fibre, which pretty well covers those needs for the body.


Bread and rice are a source of the needed complex carbohydrates, and the milk products are needed for the supply of calcium and protein without which the body may have physiological problems as well as a lowering of tissue care. The other groups are all necessary as well for health, and often it is recommended that the meal is finished with fruits.




Contrary to some schools of thought, Ramadan does not cause the problems to the body that it once was blamed for.  Blood cholesterols were found in some to be slightly elevated during this month, but was discovered that the diet that is used during that time actually lowered it slightly. The uric acid was present before the diet was started it was discovered after stringent research and was aided by Ramadan.


Keto-acids that are found in fat are needed to help the brain function correctly and the nerve cells remain strong. They are also an aid in the synthesis of glucose through the normal channels of gluconeogenesis. However there is a distinct possibility that pregnant women may suffer from some disorders during this time, as the needs of both expectant mother and foetus may not quite be met.


In this respect, all who are connected to the woman should make every effort to ensure she takes as greater care of herself as she can. Ramadan does provide flexibility to these women however, even allowing postponement so she can give herself and the baby the best that she can do health wise. Doctors and practitioners should be consulted if there appear to be complications arising for suggestion as to what to do.


Malnutrition is the major problem that may develop, as the body struggles to supply both mother and child with what is needed. But, with the help of the family and the doctor, both she and the baby should be fine

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