Filed under: Islamic Photos — admin 12:37 pm November 30, 2010
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Kalima Shahada mentioned in Quran
- Which God other than Allah could restore them to you.
- Allah is sufficient for me. There is no God save He(Allah). In Him I have put my trust. He is the Lord of the Tremendous Throne.
- There is no God save He(Allah). It is He that gives both life and death.
- They were commanded to worship but One Allah. There is no God save He, Allah.
- Allah! There is no God but He; Of surety, He will gather you together on the Day of Judgement.
Stories of Sahabah
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Modern Muslim Women & Challenges
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- The differences between Western feminism and Islamic feminism concerns the issue of veiling.
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- Veiled Yemeni women in computer class, Taiz Yemen.
- Yemen Mystery woman of Al Mukhala Fish Market
- Women Banned from American Court for wearing niqab
- Why does Taslima Nasrin want to burn the Hijab
- Walking to Change the World
- This lady has gone back to her native place in Andhra she visited my work place every Thursday
- These girls are just like any other girls in the world, they love to sit around and talk.
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Recent Comment
- albom
- islame
- One hopes good sense prevails all around. And amity and pea
- these are very nice and beautiful wallpapers..i really liked
- Assalam-o-Alykum & Hi, My name is Muhammad Ata-ul- haq S
- these are very nice and beautiful wallpapers..i really liked
- nice job......................
- nice work keep it up........................
- Sa pagkakaalam ko ang muslim bAwal mangmura,
- assalamu aleikum warhmatullah*mujhe ek assi muslima chahiye
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Comment by public auto auction — February 23, 2011 @ 12:58 pm