Random Quran quotes
Quran Quote : Allah! There is no god but He; of surety, He will gather you together on day of judgment. (Nisaa-87) View All
Random Hadith
Hadith Quote : Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: Allah's Apostle was the most View All
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Kalima Shahada mentioned in Quran
- He said: Shall I seek for you a God other than Allah.
- They were commanded to worship but One Allah. There is no God save He, Allah.
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Recent Comment
- Assalam-o-Alykum & Hi, My name is Muhammad Ata-ul- haq S
- these are very nice and beautiful wallpapers..i really liked
- nice job......................
- nice work keep it up........................
- Sa pagkakaalam ko ang muslim bAwal mangmura,
- assalamu aleikum warhmatullah*mujhe ek assi muslima chahiye
- Nice, breathtaking photo. It is one of the most peaceful phy
- hello, i really love ur photo (islamic architecture in putra
- MashaAllah! every true believer has a lovely glow on their f
- plese let me know who is that girl on that picture..she is r